
e-Learning Evaluation

e-Learning Evaluation: Which questions belong in the feedback sheet

e-Learning has become a popular method of acquiring knowledge and skills online. Assessment of the e-learning process plays an important role in the continuous improvement of courses and the promotion of learning success. An effective way to get feedback from participants is to use a feedback sheet. In this article, we will focus on what questions should be included in the e-learning evaluation feedback form.


The e-learning evaluation enables course providers to measure and improve the success of their online courses. By collecting feedback from the participants, weaknesses can be identified and measures can be taken to increase effectiveness. A crucial tool in e-learning evaluation is the feedback sheet.

Why feedback is important in e-learning

Feedback plays an essential role in the e-learning context. It enables course providers to understand the needs and expectations of learners and adapt the course accordingly. Feedback helps participants reflect on their learning experiences and make suggestions for improvement.

The role of the feedback sheet in e-learning evaluation

A feedback sheet is a structured tool used to collect specific information from the participants of an e-learning course. It provides an opportunity for course providers to ask targeted questions and receive comprehensive feedback. The feedback form serves as a guide for the evaluation of the e-learning process and makes it possible to systematically record the opinions and experiences of the participants.

Questions that belong in the feedback sheet

For a feedback sheet to be effective, the questions it contains should be relevant and meaningful. Here are some types of questions that should be included in the feedback sheet:

General questions about course satisfaction

  • How satisfied were you with the e-learning course overall?
  • What did you like best about the course?
  • Any suggestions for improving the course?

Questions about the structure and organization of the e-learning course

  • Was the course structure clear and easy to understand?
  • Was there enough time to work on the course content?
  • How well was the course tailored to your individual needs?

Questions about learning material quality and relevance

  • Were the learning materials provided informative and helpful?
  • How was the learning relevant to your professional or personal goals?
  • Were there enough examples and applications to reinforce what you learned?

Questions about the interactivity and usability of the e-learning platform

  • How interactive was the e-learning platform?
  • Were you able to access course materials, assignments, and tests easily?
  • Were there sufficient opportunities for interaction with other participants or the course instructors?

Questions about support and supervision during the e-learning process

  • Were your questions and concerns answered in a timely and satisfactory manner?
  • Did you feel you were adequately supported and cared for?
  • How do you rate the availability of technical support?

Tips for effective questions in the feedback form

In order for the feedback form to produce meaningful results, some best practices should be followed when formulating the questions:

  • Use both open and closed questions to get a variety of responses.
  • Use scales or ratings to quantitatively capture participants’ opinions.
  • Make sure the questions are clear and understandable so that participants know exactly what they are talking about.
  • Formulate concrete and specific questions to get accurate feedback.
  • Promote a positive feedback culture by encouraging participants to offer both praise and constructive criticism.

The importance of the evaluation of the feedback sheet

Collecting feedback alone is not enough to improve the e-learning course. The evaluation of the feedback sheet is of great importance in order to gain valuable insights and derive appropriate measures. Careful data analysis can identify trends and patterns that indicate weaknesses or strengths in the course. Based on these findings, targeted improvement measures can be taken to continuously optimize the e-learning process.


The use of a comprehensive feedback sheet is essential to conduct an effective e-learning evaluation. By asking specific questions, valuable information can be gathered from participants to continuously improve the e-learning course. By taking into account the needs and expectations of the learners, an optimal learning experience can be created.


What is the difference between a feedback sheet and a survey?

A feedback sheet is a specific tool for gathering targeted feedback, while a survey can cover more general questions.

How often should a feedback sheet be used in e-learning courses?

It is recommended to use the feedback sheet at the end of the course to get comprehensive feedback. In addition, interim surveys can be conducted for continuous improvement.

Are anonymous feedback forms better than non-anonymous ones?

Anonymous feedback forms can make participants feel more honest and open in their responses. This can lead to a greater diversity of opinions and constructive feedback. However, non-anonymous feedback forms can also have advantages in that they allow course providers to ask specific questions or address specific feedback points.

What role does participant feedback play in the further development of the e-learning course?

The feedback of the participants is of crucial importance for the further development of the e-learning course. It provides insights into the needs and expectations of learners, enables the identification of potential for improvement, and forms the basis for adjustments and optimizations.

What other methods can be used to evaluate e-learning?

In addition to feedback forms, interviews, focus groups, or observations can also be used to evaluate e-learning. These methods provide additional insight and allow for a comprehensive evaluation of the e-learning process.

With the help of a comprehensive feedback sheet, e-learning courses can be continuously improved. By asking the right questions, course providers gain valuable insights into the experiences and needs of participants. Evaluating the feedback leads to targeted actions to optimize the e-learning process and ultimately contributes to a better learning experience.

Create an engaging feedback sheet that covers the different aspects of the e-learning course and encourage participants to provide honest and constructive feedback. Take the time to carefully analyze the results and make improvements based on the feedback. By using an effective feedback form, the quality of the e-learning offer is increased and the learning success of the participants is promoted.