e-Learning references

Mass-produced goods? Not with us.

Since the foundation of skillbest it is clear for us: We want to create e-learning that deserves this name. No slides to click through. No multiple-choice jungles. No off-the-shelf e-learning. But rather: individual and technically as well as e-didactically mature learning offers. We have achieved this in over 1,000 customer projects. Around 50 companies from half the world now rely on e-learning from skillbest. We would like to present a few of these e-learning references to you in more detail. To do this, we let customers have their say and dive deep into the customized training, courses and instructions.

Your path to individual e-learning

Even dry instruction or hard-to-teach course content can be transformed into engaging, effective learning opportunities. Click through our e-learning references and see for yourself how diverse and individual digital learning can be. We would be happy to develop a customized e-learning solution for you as well.

Sales talks
Competence training

Specialist knowledge, appearance and communication skills are among the most important skills for employees of the hagebau Group.
Together with the hagebau Akademie, we have developed the Top 20 e-learning course, which simulates a consulting situation and consolidates product knowledge.

Blended learning
Digital and Entrepreneurial Competencies

Girls Go Circular introduces 40,000 European schoolgirls to the circular economy and digitalization. The initiative uses an online platform and teacher support to teach holistic knowledge, digital skills and entrepreneurial thinking. The hybrid learning module emphasizes the role of semiconductors in our everyday lives. An exciting project for a sustainable future.

Human Resource
Leadership training

AVL List, one of the world’s leading mobility technology companies, knows the importance of basic HR knowledge for managers. Together with skillbest, the content of the proven leadership training was digitized and enriched with interactive elements.

Digital onboarding

The ambition of ams OSRAM: to explore and realize new technologies. Around 22,000 people are working on this. This high number of employees requires a modern onboarding system. Together with ams OSRAM, we rethought digital onboarding, simulated workstations and developed a virtual buddy system.

Risk Management

Especially in the healthcare sector, risk management plays a crucial role. Together with KLINIKUM AUSTRIA GESUNDHEITSGRUPPE, we digitized the risk management content and turned it into an interactive e-learning course that brings all employees up to the same level of knowledge and creates awareness.

Web Based Training
Automotive Cybersecurity-Training

Technical refinements in cars ensure driving comfort, but at the same time can become a gateway for malware. This makes it even more important to sharpen the understanding of security risks. AVL has developed a customised e-learning on automotive cybersecurity together with us.

Course development and consulting
Online Academy

Since 2020, the Token Engineering Academy has been offering courses on the exciting but at the same time complex future topic of token engineering. Demanding content in particular requires mature e-didactic concepts, varied learning content and clear structures. We designed all of this together with the Token Engineering Academy.

Fire protection

As in any large company, regular training of employees is the order of the day at Humanomed. A classic: the annual fire safety training. Together with skillbest, the content was digitized and turned into interactive stories.

Nursing and health care
e-Learning in healthcare

In her health school, Evelyn Deutsch-Grasl and her team impart knowledge about the healing powers of nature. In 2020, the company decided to digitize its offering. With the help of professional e-learning, aroma care know-how is made accessible to people throughout the German-speaking world.

ams osram
