
Customized e-Learning

Custom e-learning - focus on the target group

Custom e-learning development means developing an electronic learning experience specifically for an individual or small group of individuals to meet their unique needs and learning objectives. It is a customizable and personalized form of e-learning that differs from the standardized online courses that are developed for a broad audience.

Custom e-Learnings in companies

Custom e-learning courses have several advantages over standardized online courses, especially for companies and their employees:

  • Personalized learning experience
    Customized e-learning courses
    can be tailored to each individual’s specific needs and learning styles, resulting in increased motivation and learning progress.
  • Relevant content
    Because the courses are tailored to the specific needs and goals of the company and its employee:s, the content is relevant and valuable to work practice.
  • Cost-efficiency
    Customized e-learning courses
    can be more cost-efficient because they are tailored to the exact needs of the company and its employees and do not contain superfluous content.
  • Flexibility
    E-learning enables employees to learn from anywhere and at any time, which can be beneficial for companies with a widely dispersed team or high mobility.
  • Sustainable knowledge transfer
    Custom e-learning courses
    can help ensure that the knowledge acquired is stored and applied in the long term, leading to higher productivity and better work results.

Are off-the-shelf e-learnings time-wasters?

It is difficult to say which type of learning takes longer, as it depends on several factors. Here are some considerations to keep in mind:

  • Personalization
    Customized e-learning courses can be tailored to a person’s needs and learning styles, which can lead to more effective learning and absorption of the material, which in turn saves time.
  • Relevance
    Because standardized online courses are developed for a broad audience, certain content may not be relevant to a particular individual. This can lead to slower learning and wasted time.
  • Motivation
    Customized e-learning courses can create higher motivation and engagement, which can lead to faster learning.
  • Support
    While custom e-learning courses can provide personalized support, standardized online courses can make it harder to get support when you need it. This can lead to taking longer to understand certain concepts.

In summary, both types of learning have their advantages and disadvantages, but the duration of learning depends on several factors and cannot be answered in a blanket way. In principle, however, it can be said that a reduction to the essentials leads to a shorter learning period.

Barrier: complex learning content

Learning content is usually complex because it involves knowledge that is strongly tied to the company in question. It can definitely be a challenge to package complex individual learning content into a customized e-learning course. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Structuring
    Complex content must be presented in a well-structured and understandable way to enable successful learning.
  • Interactivity
    To make learning interesting and effective, it is important to incorporate interactive elements, such as quizzes and exercises, into the course.
  • Comprehensibility
    It is important to package the content in a way that is understandable to the target audience. This may require a thorough analysis of the target audience’s background knowledge and skills.
  • Visualization
    Visualizations, such as graphs, charts, and simulations, can help illustrate complex concepts and facilitate learning.
  • Evaluation
    To ensure that the target group understands and masters what they have learned, regular evaluations and feedback opportunities should be integrated into the course.

The e-learning script as the linchpin

Yes, it is recommended to start with a script if you want to create a custom e-learning. A script helps you structure your content and provides a template to guide you as you create your course.

In your script you should:

  • Define the objectives of the course and outline the learning material.
  • Define the steps participants must take to achieve the goal.
  • Describe the type of interactivity and visual elements you want to use.
  • Schedule regular evaluations and feedback opportunities.

Writing a script will help you organize your thoughts and ensure that you include all the important elements for successful learning in your course.

Should only custom e-learnings be used in the company?

This depends on several factors, such as the company’s goals, budget, resources and timeframe. Here are some considerations that may help you decide:

If the company’s goal is to impart specific skills or knowledge to employees that are not covered by pre-packaged courses, customized e-learning may be a better option.

If the organization has a limited budget, using pre-built courses can be more cost effective than creating custom e-learning.

If the organization has internal resources that can develop and manage e-learning courses, creating custom e-learning may make more sense.

Time frame
If the organization has a tight timeframe to deliver training, using pre-built courses can be a faster option than creating custom e-learning.

In summary, each option has its advantages and disadvantages and it is important to consider the specific requirements of the business before making a decision.