e-Learning from Austria
A country full of know-how
We see Austria as an economically strong focal point in Europe, which has achieved its strength through knowledge and as an e-learning provider from Graz, we come into close contact with the know-how of our customers in Austria, as well as the rest of the world. We are not allowed to say much about this know-how, but we can state with certainty that know-how is and remains an important factor for successful companies.
This valuable asset is mostly individual and often also very complex. Our goal is to make this know-how sustainably accessible to our customers via suitable learning management systems, but also on the basis of scripts. Designing this in such a way that it has lasting didactic value and thus contributes significantly to the sustainable distribution of knowledge within the company.

From Graz we bring e-learning to the whole world!
As an e-learning company, you are constantly busy developing new innovative approaches and you yourself are in the situation to preserve your own know-how, but also to make it accessible to your employees. Through this corporate philosophy, we consider the know-how of our customers as the most important element and determine the appropriate didactically valuable learning design based on the target group and the learning content/objective.
An e-learning provider from Austria
skillbest proves that e-learning support from Austria is possible worldwide and that especially companies from the DACH region can rely on a professional local partner.
We attach great importance to individuality and work very closely with our target groups
e-learning formats
Special requirements for digitization
Our services do not only include conventional e-learning services, we also offer our customers innovative and above all creative solutions around the topic of digitalization.
Interactive learning videos
With skillvid, you use an e-learning content format that can simulate real-life situations in the best possible way. The learning content is presented in the form of an interview and is perfect for training courses that focus on social skills, such as sales training or negotiation skills.
Digital factory and company presentations
Whether you are a global player or have a corporate location; With a combination of different media, skilltour enables you not only to present your company in the best possible way to newcomers, but also to your customers.