Web Based Trainings

Web Based Trainings - what is involved?

In today’s world, where more and more people are accessing digital learning content, it is becoming increasingly important to look at Web Based Trainings (WBTs). But what exactly are WBTs and what elements should they contain to be successful? In this article we will take a closer look at this topic.

What are Web Based Trainings?

Web Based Trainings (WBTs) are digital learning contents that are available via the internet. They can be presented in different ways, such as video, e-book or interactive application. The advantage of WBTs lies in their flexibility and their availability around the clock, independent of a fixed training time or location.

Elements of successful WBTs

For WBT to be successful, certain elements should be in place. In the following, we will take a closer look at the most important elements:

Target group analysis
Before creating a WBT, a target group analysis should be performed. Here, the target group is precisely defined and its needs and requirements are determined. This allows the WBT to be tailored specifically to the needs of the target group.

Didactic concept
A didactic concept is indispensable for a successful WBT. Here, the learning objectives are defined and a structure for the WBT is determined. Care should be taken to ensure that the WBT is varied and interactive in order to increase the participants’ attention.

An important element of WBTs is their interactivity. This makes learning varied and the participants can actively apply and deepen what they have learned. Interactive elements can be, for example, quizzes, case studies or simulations.

Multimedia elements
Multimedia elements such as videos, graphics or animations can make learning more vivid and increase understanding. However, the elements should be used sensibly and not distract from the actual learning content.

Learning control
An important element of WBTs is also learning control. This involves checking whether the participants have achieved the learning objectives. This can be done, for example, through quizzes or tests.

Feedback-based learning
Feedback is an important element of WBTs as it can increase learning success. This allows participants to see their progress and work specifically on their weaknesses. Feedback should be provided as promptly and individually as possible.

For WBT to be successful, it should be easily accessible to participants. Technical requirements such as browser compatibility or Internet connection should be taken into account. Also, the WBT should be designed barrier-free to allow access for people with disabilities.


A targeted training agency can help companies create training and learning programs that are tailored to the company’s unique needs. Here are some of the steps an agency takes to create a customized learning program:

1. needs analysis
The agency conducts a needs assessment to understand the specific requirements and needs of the business. This analysis may include interviews with employees, online surveys, and a review of existing training materials.

2. curriculum design
Based on the results of the needs assessment, the agency designs a curriculum tailored to the specific needs of the company. The curriculum can include various learning methods and media, such as e-learning modules, virtual classrooms, webinars, and more.

3. content development
The agency then develops the content of the learning program. This can include creating e-learning modules, recording videos, and creating interactive exercises.

4. implementation
After developing the learning program, the agency implements it. This can include implementing e-learning platforms, conducting training, and monitoring employee:s learning progress.

5. evaluation
Finally, the agency conducts an evaluation to measure and monitor the effectiveness of the learning program. Based on the results of the evaluation, the agency can make changes to the learning program to make it more effective.


In summary, successful web-based training should include certain elements, such as a target group analysis, a didactic concept, interactivity, multimedia elements, learning control, feedback and accessibility. Only through targeted planning and implementation can a WBT develop its full effect and sustainably promote the learning success of the participants.

For companies, WBTs also offer the advantage that they are cost-efficient and can be conducted independently of training rooms and times. Employees can thus be trained more flexibly and keep their knowledge up to date without incurring major costs and organizational effort.

All in all, the concept of web-based training offers an attractive opportunity to convey learning content digitally and flexibly and thus to meet the needs of the participants.