• Consulting and service training
  • Complaint Management
  • Internal communication
  • Onboarding processes
  • Sales Training

Believe us: communication has to be learned!

Free advice and support

Deceptively real conversation flows with added value

Chat simulation is not an invention of the 21st century. As early as the 1950s, the Turing test was developed as a method of simulating human communication. skillchat is based on this test and enables deceptively real conversations that give users the feeling of communicating with a real customer or colleague. The action of these conversations is based on your learning content, which we transform into an impactful e-learning experience.

We translate your company’s learning content into conversations and develop decision trees that simulate a conversation flow. The core element of skillchat is ongoing interaction in the form of predefined answers. Learners have the choice between different answer alternatives and approach correct decisions in a playful way. The evaluation is done in the background by assigning points. These are converted into live feedback and learners receive an immediate assessment of their response behavior.

skillchat not only trains you to answer correctly in text form. Based on your learning content, we also incorporate video footage, images or diagrams that can and should be interacted with.

In addition, the chat simulation is suitable for learning more about the learners. Uncertainties or unused potentials are revealed and can be corrected with the help of built-in switches in the decision tree. In this way, learners are only presented with learning content that also provides them with added value. This saves valuable time and guarantees learning success.

The advantages of skillchat at a glance

Flexible learning

skillchat works where learners need it to. Depending on your requirements, we adapt your learning content for smartphone, tablet or desktop use.

e-learning gamification

Communication in chat form is becoming increasingly popular. skillchat familiarizes learners with it in a playful way.

Efficient learning

Only what makes sense is learned: With skillchat, learners receive the content that provides them with real added value.


skillchat simulates conversation processes as they occur in the learners’ everyday work.

individuelles e-learning
Individual and versatile

We customize skillchat to meet your individual needs. We are also happy to incorporate multimedia content.

e-Learning company

The chat simulation trains the decision-making behavior and helps to be able to provide adequate answers quickly.

Success with different storylines!

Top features


Learners will feel like they are communicating with real people.


Ongoing interaction and choices train decision-making behavior to be accurate.

Practical relevance

skillchat is based on the learners' everyday work and only simulates conversation processes as they occur in practice.

Live feedback

Learners receive an immediate assessment of their response behavior.

Decision trees

Switches and turnoffs ensure that learners interact only with content tailored to them.


Accessibility is an indispensable part of corporate culture. Upon request, we implement skillchat barrier-free.

From our e-Learning forge

Correct communication with customers

skillchat - Dialogue Simulation
skillchat - Dialogue Simulation
skillchat - Dialogue Simulation