e-Learning provider

The e-learning provider with an e-didactic twist

According to long-standing opinion, products should have a purpose. But this alone is not enough, especially in the e-learning sector, where knowledge is marketed. e-learning offers not only need hand and foot, but also and above all one thing: head. The fact that we can say this about our products has to do with the interdisciplinary composition of our skillbest team. As an e-learning provider, we are no strangers to terms such as “lifelong learning” or “learning experience design”. Our main focus is to first thoroughly understanding the learning content for ourselves and we see this as the essential requirement for conveying it adequately to others. This philosophy is the basis for our actions as an e-learning provider . We have been dealing with adult education and e-learning for over 18 years. During this time we have observed and taken up various innovations on the e-learning market, but we have also been able to create innovations and set trends ourselves.

There are currently numerous e-learning providers on the market offering various e-learning software packages. For us, however, the focus of e-learning is not on the software, but on the learning content. How do we mean that? Well, let’s put it this way: In face-to-face training, the teachers and their didactic skills are more important than the chairs the learners are sitting on.

e-Learning agency

Our USP:e-didactics

As an e-learning provider , we see ourselves as a marketer of knowledge. In order to prepare this knowledge in an accurate and target group-oriented manner, we orientate ourselves towards technical innovations and e-learning trends. But above all – and this is a key difference to other e-learning providers – we give e-didactics the place it deserves. Central e-didactic factors such as attention, motivation, learning success control, feedback, learning status, authenticity, sustainability, maintenance-free etc. are taken into account from the start of the project and integrated into our storyboard planning. The script development usually takes place together with our customers. This results in two advantages: On the one hand, we can respond precisely to the needs of our customers. On the other hand, the customers benefit because they get to know the opportunities and limitations of e-learning. This insider knowledge is supplied almost free of charge and can be used for later projects.

As an e-learning provider , we naturally also take on an advisory role. It is not uncommon for us to recognize unanswered questions, inconsistencies or unused opportunities in the first few minutes in which we look at a script. This applies to very basic things such as the ownership rights of the image material used, but also to more complex issues. For example, we do not shy away from questioning the entire learner journey or the defined target group.

What an e-learning provider brings you in concrete terms

Top quality online training

The core task of an e-learning provider is to create high-quality online training courses that offer clear, measurable added value. In this way, we help you to anchor digital further training measures in your organization and to make e-learning more attractive.

Storyboard development

Successful e-learning stands and falls with the script development. We create the basis for learning success and make the common thread that the learners should follow visible.

An insight into current market developments

When you work with an e-learning provider, you automatically gain insight into the market. We are constantly sharing new training concepts with you, as well as script and interaction ideas.

Interdisciplinary expertise

e-Learning development is an interdisciplinary task. This requires e-didactics experts, graphics and media professionals, programmers, etc. Rarely can a company cover all these skills itself. In order to develop an e-learning program that specifically targets learners, it is therefore worth working with an interdisciplinary e-learning provider.

A glance at unused opportunities and chances

Authoring tools are powerful tools that – when used cleverly – can add valuable functions to e-learning offerings. For example, online courses are often published without interactive elements, although interactivity would be technically relatively easy to implement. As an e-learning provider, we point out such untapped opportunities to companies and educational institutions.

Knowledge on demand
Targeted knowledge on demand

It makes little sense to impart knowledge in advance. It is better to make knowledge available in a targeted manner when learners need it. We help you to prepare your learning content via e-learning in such a way that it makes sense for learners, is understandable and easily accessible.

e-Learning Provider & Consulting

As mentioned above, as an e-learning provider we also provide companies with advice. In accordance with our e-didactic focus, we primarily deal with the learning content and the target group within the framework of e-learning consulting and only then with the corresponding learning platform. For us, questions such as “What should learners be able to do in the end?” and “What needs do they have?” form the basis of balanced, accurate advice.

This leads us to a topic that is unfortunately all too often neglected: authentic and excellent provisions that are target group-oriented. Learners need to feel engaged in the learning offer and understand what the participation in the digital training will bring them. True to the motto “The more, the better”, companies often opt for ready-made mass training courses. These are relatively inexpensive, but the added value for the learners is limited, as counselling sessions show again and again. We then point out to companies that only tailor-made e-learning offers bring the desired success. And this success has many facets: First, content is better internalized and the performance of the employees is increased as a result. Secondly, e-learning is made more attractive in the company and the acceptance of digital further training measures is increased. And thirdly, well-done e-learning strengthens the employer brand. e-Learning is an essential part of the New Work concept. Above all, employees of generations Y and Z want to continue their education in a self-determined manner, independent of time and place. A company can meet this demand with a solid e-learning offer.

e-learning formats

Our innovative e-learning solutions

No matter whether it’s film-ready sales training, playful safety instructions or realistic chat simulation: Our versatile e-learning formats transform bone-dry topics into motivating learning content and take your e-learning to a new level.

e-learning company
skillvid interactive learning videos
Interactive learning videos

With skillvid you use an e-learning format that can simulate real situations. The learning content is presented in the form of an interview and is perfect for training courses that focus on social skills – such as sales training or negotiation skills.

skilltour - digital company and factory tours
Digital factory and company presentations

Whether you are a global player or have a corporate location; With a combination of different media, skilltour enables you not only to present your company in the best possible way to newcomers, but also to your customers. Start the big tour!

