Let create online course
Professionals at work: This is why you should have an online course created
Successful e-learning is an interaction of various factors. There is much that a company can contribute itself. However, external expertise is needed to ensure that the full range of possibilities can be exploited. We provide four reasons why you should have an online course created.
As a professional e-learning provider, we are of course convinced that it always makes sense for companies to let professionals create an online course. In the following, however, we do not want to advertise our business – so this is not about business interests – but rather argue against the background of years of e-didactic experience why companies should have online courses created. To support our argument, we would like to raise an example that will accompany us throughout all sections of this text: Let’s assume you have decided to build a house – yourself, without prefabricated parts, without contracting out to an external construction supervisor. This can work as a matter of course, but – as with in-house e-learning solutions – it can also lead to problems. Let’s continue this example below and, in the process, outline four good reasons why companies should have e-learning professionals create an online course.

#1 All disciplines are covered
A house like this is a complex affair: it needs walls, doors, windows, electricity and water, painting, and so on. It can be quite difficult to find the necessary resources for it yourself. However, if you still want to do everything yourself, you will probably have to cut back in one area or another. It may be that the walls will be perfect, but in return you will have a hard time with the windows. The tiles lay as if by themselves, but a mishap happens when painting. I’m sure you can guess what we’re getting at: e-learning is an equally complex thing. A wide variety of disciplines – project management, graphics, e-didactics, etc. – contribute to the creation of an accurate e-learning offering. Very few companies can cover all these areas internally. There may be good project managers, but there is a lack of graphic expertise. Or the graphic design is top, but the didactic underpinning is missing. You can already see why it makes sense to have an online course created: Professional e-learning providers draw from a pool of experts in all disciplines. This guarantees that all areas are covered equally professionally.
#2 e-Learning professionals bring didactic expertise to the table
One of these mentioned disciplines is particularly essential for the success of an e-learning offer: e-didactics. To come back to our house example: Experts in e-didactics are something like the structural engineers. They are responsible for ensuring that everything is built on a solid foundation and remains stable until the end. Only e-learning offerings that are based on a sound e-didactic concept will have long-term success and be accepted by employees. The e-didactic expertise is usually not available within a company itself – a crucial reason for having an online course created.
#3 New perspectives are opened
Those who plan their house long and extensively, develop very precise ideas. Sometimes, however, this can be a decisive disadvantage. One gets too deep into the matter, becomes error-blind and no longer considers other possibilities of design. The situation is similar in e-learning: companies are home to numerous experts who have been working on a particular topic for years. This expertise can quickly turn into operational blindness. Especially in the conception of e-learning offers, this leads to the fact that essential things are disregarded. That is why it is essential to call in external expertise. e-Learning professionals open up new perspectives and point out misconceptions or untapped potential.
#4 It's cheaper in the long run to have an online course created
At first glance, it is much cheaper to build your own house. However, this rarely takes into account that construction errors or cutbacks made during the construction process due to a lack of skills can cause costs later on. The wall, which no one likes a year after moving in, must be painted by a professional. The heating system, which was installed more badly than good, requires expensive maintenance. Even e-learning offerings can become cost traps if they are poorly planned and executed. If the e-learning is not accepted by the workforce, improvements must be made – either internal resources are activated again or external professionals are called in. However, getting them on board from the start saves time and money. Moreover, in the long run, it is cheaper to pay external professionals once than to hire employees yourself to develop an e-learning offering.
We hope we were able to make it clear with our in-house example why you should let e-learning professionals create an online course. We at skillbest are happy to do this for you and, together with your internal experts, plan e-learning offerings that really deserve the name.