e-Learning Solution

An e-learning solution is the basis for long-term success

18 years of experience have shown us one thing clearly: both companies and the e-learning industry itself benefit from ready-made e-learning courses. After a while, however, companies like to fall into old patterns and build their own e-learning solutions based on internal training content.

As an e-learning company with many years of experience, this does not surprise us: cutbacks are particularly popular with e-learning. However, we are dealing with a fallacy here, because: Anyone who saves on the development of an e-learning solution saves nothing at all. A well thought-out e-learning solution is much more the basis for long-term e-learning success – and saves time, nerves and above all money in the long run. The advantages of a professional e-learning solution speak for themselves: no travel expenses, no downtime for employees, 24/7 availability and much more.

At skillbest, we are committed to developing sustainable and successful e-learning solutions. Companies that work with us receive ongoing support and receive cost-effective implementation options at the highest level – as individual as the learning content and target group. You will not find a universal e-learning solution with us.

e-Learning Solution

Know-how is a market advantage

Continuing education offers – and of course this also includes e-learning – are part of employer branding. Your employees deserve a professional implementation of the e-learning solution. If the e-learning offer is made available to your customers, it is a marketing measure and gives your products or services an attractiveness bonus. Here, too, maximum professionalism must be the order of the day.

At skillbest we offer you this professional support – from strategic planning to the concrete implementation of your requirements and wishes. We rely on an appreciative and low-threshold cooperation with our customers. A philosophy that has proven itself over the past 18 years.

The way to a professional e-learning solution

An e-learning solution must be understood as a long-term investment that can form the basis for future learning opportunities. It reflects which learning content and which documents and media can be made available for e-learning development. Once the first learning content has been collected and the willingness of the experts, trainers or content owners to work with them has been clarified, planning of the e-didactics, the superficial design and the technical implementation can begin. This results in e-learning storyboard templates that can be implemented using PowerPoint. Once these elements are complete, an authoring tool framework is implemented based on the template and the didactic elements, which serves as the basis for current and future e-learning courses. This framework acts as a stable framework for various use cases such as software simulations, theory training, video training, but also for use in sales or security training.

e-Learning Solution

A successful and exciting e-learning solution needs two things: a solid framework and a certain amount of variety!

Formats as an e-learning solution

Digitization needs good ideas. skillbest has them.

As a professional e-learning company from Austria, our services not only include conventional e-learning services – we also offer our customers new and inspiring creative solutions for everything to do with digitization.

e-learning company
skillvid interactive learning videos
Interactive learning videos

With skillvid you use an e-learning format that can simulate real situations. The learning content is presented in the form of an interview and is perfect for training courses that focus on social skills – such as sales training or negotiation skills.

Escape room

The virtual representation of an escape room relies on the tension factor in learning. This e-learning format enables you to identify tasks for your employees and assign them task-related premises or situations.

skilltour - digital company and factory tours
Digital factory and company presentations

Whether you are a global player or have a corporate location; With a combination of different media, skilltour enables you not only to present your company in the best possible way to newcomers, but also to your customers. Start the big tour!

Digital photo story

Don’t let the cult classic from the print media fool you. It is timeless and offers a didactic approach with exciting storytelling, especially for the e-learning area!

Your proven e-learning company from Austria

Skillbest proves that as an e-learning company from Austria, it is possible to support companies, trainers & coaches and educational institutions worldwide. Whether remote or on-site, our concern will always be the focus on the development of high-quality e-learning training courses that guarantee learning success.



As a full-service e-learning company we also support you with the implementation of a new learning management system.