Electronic Learning

Electronic Learning - 7 Benefits of Digital Learning

The “e” in e-learning stands for “electronic” and refers to the use of electronic or digital media. We take a look at what advantages this use of media brings.

We have already explained in detail elsewhere what e-learning is and how we at skillbest define this complex term. This time we would like to devote ourselves to the decisive word component: the “e”. As anticipated, this stands for “electronic”, which is why e-learning/electroniclearning can be translated as “electronic learning” or “electronically supported learning”. What is meant by this is, quite fundamentally, a learning experience that is enabled and enhanced by electronic media. If you’re thinking to yourself that “electronic media” sounds a bit antiquated, we agree. In our view, it is better to speak of “digital media” or “digital learning”. However, we don’t want to dwell on definitional quibbles any longer, but rather get to the heart of the matter: the advantages that the use of digital media brings with it.

This is what distinguishes Electronic Learning

Electronic learning is more than the digital content of classroom training. Adequate use of digital media can elevate the learning experience to another level. In our opinion, these are the most essential advantages of Electronic Learning:

#1 Learning is not (anymore) bound to time and place

For a long time, training and continuing education in companies was tied to fixed times and places. In some cases, employees had to attend further training or participate in workshops after a strenuous day. e-Learning has made more flexibility in learning possible. Learners can learn independent of time and place and engage with content when they feel ready. A special form of electronic learning is mobile learning, which enables learning via smartphone and makes learning experiences even more flexible.

#2 Content is packaged more engagingly and effectively

The ways in which content is delivered in classroom training are limited. Teachers can give a lecture, play presentations or show videos. Digital teaching/learning can do more when it comes to packaging learning content appropriately. Depending on the topic and target group, content can be presented in the form of images, videos, audio recordings or gamification elements. In the context of an e-learning offer, these media formats can be combined as desired, which ensures variety and a constantly high level of motivation.

#3 Learners become game players

Electronic learning makes it possible for a learning experience to feel like a computer game rather than a dry education or training course – keyword e-learning gamification. Video game elements such as quests, rewards, or live feedback are used to target e-learning motivators. The consequences: Learners learn better and content is better internalized. At skillbest, we demonstrate what e-learning gamification can look like with our various e-learning formats, all of which contain elements that are more or less typical of video games.

#4 Learners immerse themselves in a story

Engaging learners is a fine art that doesn’t always work so well in face-to-face settings. Well-done e-learning is different: multimedia storytelling lets them become part of gripping stories. Using different media formats, stories can be created that engage learners and motivate them in the long term. Interactive elements that let learners actively engage with what’s happening can make the learning experience even more immersive, and therefore more successful. Our e-learning format skillstory is the best example for the successful use of storytelling in electronic learning.

#5 Individual strengths and weaknesses are addressed

It is not uncommon for 20 to 30 people to attend a training session. With such a large number of participants, it is difficult for instructors to address individual deficits or comprehension problems that become apparent during the course of the training. Often, people also do not dare to openly address their weaknesses. e-Learning makes learners visible again as subjects and addresses individual deficits. For example, this is done through live feedback that shows learners in which subject areas they need to catch up. At the same time, it also highlights those sections in which learners have performed particularly well.

#6 Electronic learning is crisis-proof

The Corona pandemic has shown how quickly the entire working world can change. Within a few days, entire corporations can be converted to home office mode. In such crisis situations, however, internal training and development must continue in order to maintain the quality of services. This is another advantage of electronic learning: since learning content can be accessed from home, learning can continue unhindered.

#7 Electronic learning is a sustainable investment for companies

Now that you’ve read through our discussion above about the benefits of Electronic Learning, you may be thinking to yourself, “Pretty cool, but probably very expensive!” Of course, implementing an accurate and customized e-learning offering comes with initial costs, but nonetheless, e-learning is more cost-effective than traditional education and training offerings. Since learning is independent of time and place, travel expenses, catering, room rental and lecturer fees are almost entirely eliminated. In the long term, e-learning is therefore the more cost-effective and, in most cases, more effective alternative.

We would be happy to go through with you in detail how the benefits of electronic learning can be applied to your learning content.