e-Learning disadvantages

5 e-learning disadvantages and how to eradicate them

Even though we love e-learning: Of course, we also know the e-learning disadvantages. But: We know how to tackle them and use them for the positive further development of e-learning offerings.

e-Learning has been our profession, our passion, for almost two decades. Why? Because we are convinced that e-learning helps people and companies alike. That’s why we do everything we can to communicate the e-learning benefits and make them tangible through our e-learning formats. We have already discussed the specific advantages in detail elsewhere. This time, we’re addressing a topic that e-learning providers don’t like to communicate: It’s about e-learning disadvantages. Yes, there are. And we are not afraid to address them openly. We believe that e-learning drawbacks usually occur when e-learning offerings are passionless and conceptless. Well-done e-learning can eradicate the e-learning disadvantages. For e-learning providers like us, these e-learning disadvantages actually present valuable opportunities for the positive further development of e-learning offerings. What we mean by this will become clearer below.

e-Learning Disadvantages = Opportunities

Now we want to familiarize you with a few points that are readily classified as e-learning disadvantages. Whenever we stumble across such points, only one thing pops into our heads: Challenge accepted. Because: Almost every one of these disadvantages can be eliminated if you approach the conception of the e-learning offer with creativity and know-how.

e-Learning Disadvantage 1: Low didactic level

Unfortunately, there are still numerous didactically worthless offers floating around in the vast e-learning universe. Since there are no detailed standards for e-learning, often enough e-learning offers land on the screens that, strictly speaking, do not deserve this name at all. The basis for a successful e-learning offer is a well-founded e-didactic concept. It is at the beginning of every e-learning creation and provides the guidelines for the presentation and distribution of the learning content. So e-didactics is something like quality assurance in e-learning. And this quality assurance should be done by professionals who ensure that e-learning offerings are designed according to e-didactic and technical standards. Means in summary: Professional e-learning providers can eradicate this first e-learning drawback with ease.

e-Learning Disadvantage 2: A lot of knowledge about hardware and software is required

This disadvantage alludes to generational differences among learners. Older learners in particular, such as those nearing retirement, may struggle to operate complex e-learning applications. Often too much knowledge about hardware and software is assumed. For e-learning providers, it is precisely this disadvantage that presents an opportunity to rethink the usability and accessibility of their offerings. For example, in e-learning you can rely on operating gestures (swiping or tapping as on a smartphone) that learners are already familiar with from everyday life. You can also choose formats, such as (interactive) videos, that require less input from learners. In general, everything can be made easier and more user-friendly. You just have to want it.

e-Learning Disadvantage 3: Inquiry is not possible

This point follows on from the previous one: Since it is generally not possible to ask questions in e-learning – apart from calls to service hotlines – e-learning offers must be unambiguous and clearly designed. Herein lies the opportunity for e-learning professionals to prove that they can break content down to its essentials without leaving out key information.

e-Learning Disadvantage 4: High risk of distraction

“Can’t anyone see when I’m cooking on the side or talking to my grandma on the phone?” That may be true, however, such distractions are killers for learning success. In fact, there is an increased risk of distraction with e-learning, which is completed without time or location constraints. Or let’s put it this way: with poorly done e-learning, that may be so. In contrast, e-learning offerings that are interactive and tell good stories reduce this risk of distraction to a minimum. By targeting motivational factors, learners are spurred to focus on learning content and rarely think of doing anything else on the side.

e-Learning Disadvantage 5: Too little practical relevance

That’s all well and good, but my employees can’t use e-learning to practice practical work processes. Statements like these are part of our everyday life as e-learning providers. And yes, 08/15 offers do indeed often lack a corresponding practical relevance. With e-learning, on the other hand, which is e-didactically and methodically prepared, practical work processes can be practiced very well. A well-done e-learning offer immerses learners in practical situations and simulates conversation processes as they occur in reality. Our best practices show what this can look like in practice.

Our e-learning formats also prove that we don’t give these and any other e-learning disadvantages a chance. See for yourself.