e-Learning advantages

6 e-learning advantages you should definitely know about

We show the valuable benefits of e-learning done well.

As an experienced e-learning provider, we are – unsurprisingly – convinced that well-done e-learning brings benefits. Two phrases from the last subordinate clause are crucial here: First, e-learning only brings benefits for companies as well as learners if it is worthy of the name. We have already clarified what good e-learning means in another post. Second, e-learning needs to be well done and well thought out. At skillbest, we build our e-learning offerings based on the learning objectives of the respective target group and place e-didactics at the beginning of the conception. Only when these two conditions are met does e-learning bring advantages that make analog forms of learning look old. Below we have summarized the most significant advantages.

e-learning Advantage #1: Multimedia

The first advantage is already in the name: The word “e-learning” comes from “electronic learning” and means learning with the help of digital media. And these – used correctly and cleverly – bring significant benefits. Compared to an analog learning atmosphere, e-learning allows learning content to be presented in different forms. Depending on the learning objective and the e-didactic concept underlying the e-learning offering, learning content can be presented, for example, with the help of image galleries, videos, audio recordings or as an interactive game. Our e-learning formats prove the range of different media and media formats that e-learning can offer.

e-Learning Advantage #2: Flexibility

The second e-learning advantage follows on from the previous one: Since e-learning takes place digitally and is no longer bound to analog materials, lecturers and locations, learning processes are completely flexible. Learners can engage with learning content regardless of time and location. This takes the pressure off the learning process and gives learners the opportunity to engage with the content when motivation and concentration are at their highest. Companies thus save valuable time and personnel resources that can be invested elsewhere.

e-Learning Advantage #3: Interactivity

Simply clicking through presentation slides is not enough. Good e-learning thrives on interactive elements. Probably one of the most important advantages is interactivity. e-Learning offerings that put learners in an active position and encourage self-directed learning keep e-Learning motivation high. There are enough possibilities to make e-learning interactive: Depending on the requirements, different levels of difficulty or choices can be integrated, for example. Using customized decision trees, learners move actively and self-determined through the e-learning offering, make decisions and find their own path to learning success. A good example of an interactive learning format is skillstory. In our e-learning format, learners become part of a story. Speaking of history, that brings us to the next point.

e-Learning Advantage #4: Storytelling

Storytelling has been shown to have a positive impact on learning behavior. How good that e-learning is predestined to tell gripping stories. With the help of multimedia and interactive elements, learners can become part of these stories. This keeps motivation high and helps to ensure that learning content is better internalized. The course that these stories take can be very different. This leads us to another e-learning benefit.

e-Learning Advantage #5: Individuality

The combination of the previously described advantages allows e-learning offerings to adapt individually to learners. For example, while it is not feasible to provide feedback to all learners at all times in face-to-face training, this is possible at all times in e-learning offerings. Through live feedback, such as we have built into our e-learning format skillchat, learners receive an immediate assessment of their answering behavior and can repeat incorrectly solved questions or go through entire blocks of tasks again. In addition, learners can largely determine their own learning pace and thus take the best possible path to learning success. However, individuality is not only an advantage at the learner level, as we show in the next paragraph.

e-Learning Advantage #6: Employer Branding

e-learning offers can be adapted exactly to the respective company or organization. For example, the use of branding elements such as colors, logos, claims or video messages ensures a recognition value that is difficult to achieve with conventional learning offerings. At the same time, e-learning can be used to accurately convey corporate values and culture. This can make it easier for new employees in particular to get started at the company. If the values or core messages conveyed in the e-learning offering change over time, they can be adapted with little effort – another key advantage over analog learning materials.

We could continue this list for a long time, but we will leave it at these six essential advantages for now. We’d be happy to talk to you about how we can make the most of these e-learning benefits for you. We are looking forward to your message.